When you get into your vehicle each day, it is probably a fairly routine event. You probably never think you will need a Columbus car accident lawyer, but there are times when the reckless or careless actions of other drivers can cause major harm to you or your loved ones.
At Paulozzi LPA Injury Lawyers, we are ready to step in and help you through this. Let our team examine every aspect of the crash. The goal is to secure the compensation you need for all of your injury-related expenses so you can focus on recovering.
When we look at the latest reporting year of data available for Ohio, we can see that there was a total of 303,298 vehicle crashes. Out of those, there were:
When it comes to vehicle crashes, we realize that most incidents only cause minor injuries or property damage. However, it is not uncommon for us to deal with the following injuries in the aftermath of a crash:
The cost of caring for these injuries can vary. For injuries that require extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation, a victim can see their medical bills rise into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, medical bills are only the beginning of the overall accident costs. Hidden expenses like lost income if a victim cannot work, travel to and from treatment, as well as caregiver costs must all be factored into the overall compensation a victim receives from an insurance company or negligent party.
In many cases, vehicle crashes are caused by the negligence of another driver. This can include drivers who willfully driver over the speed limit or ignore other traffic laws (failing to yield or stop at stoplights).
We also know that there were nearly 12,000 alcohol-related crashes during Ohio’s latest reporting year. Out of those, there were 314 deaths and nearly 7,000 injuries. Alcohol-impaired drivers were involved in over 26% of all traffic fatalities. Distracted driving can be just as dangerous. When someone is focused on their phone screen instead of the roadway, major crashes can occur.
It is crucial that car accident victims in Ohio ensure their cases are filed on time. The personal injury statute of limitations in Ohio is two years from the date an injury occurs. This means that a Columbus car accident victim has a two-year window with which to file a claim against an alleged negligent driver. Failing to file a claim within the correct time frame will result in the car accident victim is unable to recover the compensation they deserve.
However, you need to report the incident to the car accident insurance carriers very soon after the incident occurs. Most auto insurance carriers have very strict reporting guidelines, typically within a day or two after the accident occurs. Failing to file a claim with an insurance carrier in a timely manner could result in them delaying or denying the claim.
Columbus car accident victims often struggle to secure the compensation they deserve. In general, accident victims do not have the resources or legal expertise necessary to conduct a complete investigation into their case and to secure full compensation. However, a car accident lawyer in Columbus can use their resources to conduct a complete investigation into the incident. This will include:
The attorneys at Paulozzi LPA Injury Lawyers recognize that accident injury victims often struggle financially following these incidents. That is why we take Columbus car accident cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that our clients will not have to worry about paying any upfront or out-of-pocket costs for their case. Our car accident attorney in Columbus will not collect any legal fees until after we obtain the compensation our clients deserve.
Most of us will be involved in a car crash at some point in our lives. While most crashes are minor, there are times when the extreme negligence of another person can cause major injuries to you or a loved one. At Paulozzi LPA Injury Lawyers, we are ready to get to work on your behalf.
Let our team investigate your crash so we can secure the compensation you need, including:
If you need a Columbus car accident attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling us at 888-710-0040.