
Paulozzi LPA fought long and hard (understatement) for me to get the best outcome possible after my car accident. Joe Paulozzi and Amy Higgins were wonderful… dedicated, persevering, and honest. I cannot thank them enough, and I highly recommend them to anyone who wants excellent and proactive representation.

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Your Trust Was Violated

When you move an elderly or incapacitated loved one into a nursing home, you place a great deal of trust in the facility and its staff. This decision is often one of the most important and challenging choices you will ever face. You look for a nursing home that will provide a safe and caring environment, knowing that you cannot always be there to oversee the care your loved one receives.

When you discover that this trust has been broken and are told by the facility, “We just don’t know how it happened…,” the feelings of betrayal can be overwhelming. If your loved one is injured or, even worse, loses their life due to neglect or improper treatment, the nursing home must be held accountable for its actions.

Common Causes of Nursing Home Neglect

Nursing home neglect can happen in many ways, such as:

  • Not turning or moving immobile residents
  • Not bathing residents properly
  • Poor supervision during baths and showers
  • Ignoring nutritional and hydration needs, leading to malnutrition
  • Failing to use bed rails for safety
  • Not supervising residents enough
  • Inadequate staff training
  • Too few staff to care for residents
  • Verbal abuse and mistreatment of residents

Injuries from Nursing Home Neglect

When nursing homes don’t do their job, residents can suffer serious injuries, including:

  • Bedsores and Infections: Not turning immobile residents can cause bedsores, leading to infections and even death.
  • Dehydration and Malnutrition: Neglecting to help residents eat and drink can cause dangerous dehydration and malnutrition.
  • Burns and Scalds: Poor supervision can lead to burn injuries, especially if residents are left alone with hot drinks or while smoking.
  • Falls and Broken Bones: Lack of supervision can cause falls, leading to back injuries or broken bones. We also handle cases of physical abuse.


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