We have sidewalks, crosswalks, signs, and speed limits set to ensure pedestrians’ safety in our cities. However, more and more motorists are careless on the roads. More and more, pedestrians are at the mercy of distracted drivers. The average car weighs nearly two tons. While a driver has two tons of steel protection, a pedestrian will suffer the full impact of a collision, often resulting in death.
If you have lost someone you love due to the negligence of others, you need a wrongful death attorney in Cleveland, Ohio. Our highly sought team of lawyers will fight for your family and the compensation you deserve. Don’t hesitate. Call Paulozzi LPA Injury Lawyers today.
One person every hour and forty-six minutes are struck and killed by a motor vehicle. These alarming numbers show a deadly epidemic on American streets. According to Smart Growth America,
The numbers show that while walking has increased slightly, it isn’t enough to explain why pedestrian deaths have risen so fast in the last few years.
Major metropolitan areas are designed with motorists in mind, not pedestrians. They rely on drivers to always be focused and continuously watch for hard to see pedestrians. However, the numbers show that it is not enough. Distracted driving is up, especially among younger drivers. Darkness and drinking are also major components. Reportedly, these are the highest contributing factors to a 30-year high in pedestrian deaths. The report, conducted by the Governors Highway Safety Association, found;
Most pedestrian fatalities are occurring at night, increasing 67% over the last decade. These trends illustrate the need to redesign our roads in major metropolitan areas.
Here at Paulozzi LPA Injury Lawyers, we know the devastating effects of losing a loved one on a family. Losing a loved one is traumatic, causing anger and distress, especially when the death was preventable. A family can become overwhelmed by funeral costs, medical expenses, loss of household income, and other unforeseen costs. The dedicated attorneys at Paulozzi LPA Injury Lawyers are here to see your family secure the compensation you deserve. When you need a personal injury or wrongful death attorney in Cleveland, Ohio, call Paulozzi LPA Injury Lawyers today. Contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling us at 888-710-0040.