Cleveland Medical Misdiagnosis Attorney

misdiagnosis attorney

Medical misdiagnoses are a serious problem, not just in Ohio, but across the entire United States. Receiving the wrong diagnosis can have grave repercussions, including serious injury or death. If you have been misdiagnosed by a medical professional and harmed as a result, you owe it to yourself and to other potential patients to hold the responsible party accountable for their negligence.

At Paulozzi, our Cleveland medical misdiagnosis attorney is ready to help you stand up to the big insurance carriers’ attorneys representing doctors, hospitals, clinics, and other members of the medical community. We will leave no stone unturned in our quest to recover damages in your medical misdiagnosis case. Reach out to the Paulozzi team for a free consultation by clicking here or calling us at 1-888-710-0040.

This may impede the correct diagnosis, and the longer a diagnosis is delayed, the more likely the ailment will progress to an unmanageable level. By the time the disorder is uncovered, the patient has suffered serious complications or even death. Time is of the essence in diagnosing an illness–precious time that you or your loved one can never get back. We represent individuals and family members who have been subjected to medical misdiagnosis that caused harm or death to a loved one.

How Prevalent is a Medical Misdiagnosis?

Approximately 12 million people in the United States are affected each year by medical
diagnoses errors. Sadly, as many as 80,000 people each year die as a direct result of the complications that arise from misdiagnoses. Women are up to 30 percent more likely to receive a misdiagnosis than men. It is estimated that each person alive today will experience a medical misdiagnosis at least one time in their lifetimes.

When doctors make wrong diagnoses or fail to diagnose conditions, the consequences can be that illnesses and conditions are allowed to spread or progress, so treatment is made more complicated and is less effective.

What Causes Misdiagnoses?

Doctors are only human, and mistakes are bound to happen in any field, including the medical field. However, diagnostic errors are sometimes the result of negligence on the part of the medical professional. We encourage you to discuss your rights as an injured party if you have been the victim of medical misdiagnosis or diagnostic errors by arranging a consultation with Paulozzi’s Cleveland medical misdiagnosis attorney.

Some of the most common reasons for medical misdiagnosis include:

  • Doctor inexperience. Doctors who have not been practicing for a long period of time may be too inexperienced to recognize the symptoms of some conditions. Further, they may not understand when it is necessary to perform further testing on patients to confirm or rule out a condition. And lastly, they may misinterpret diagnostic test results, leading to wrong or missed diagnoses.
  • Doctor overconfidence. On the flip side of the inexperienced doctor is the overconfident doctor. When doctors have a lot of experience, especially with specific conditions, they may have too much confidence in their ability to diagnose patients and may base their diagnoses on little more than experience with other patients. This results in diagnostic errors.
  • Doctors spending too little time with patients. Most doctors spend less than 10 minutes with a patient, which may not be enough time to fully understand the patient’s condition and symptoms, review the patient’s medical history, go over any test results, and order additional testing. This lack of time spent with patients can dramatically increase the diagnostic error rate.
  • Insufficient testing. For whatever reason—including insurance limits—sometimes the proper diagnostic tests patients need are not performed. This means that the whole picture of the patient’s condition is not revealed, so treatment is not always adequate.

You Need an Experienced Attorney

The consequences of misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis can oftentimes be fatal. Our firm specializes in the misdiagnosis of cancer, brain tumors, diabetes, heart problems, and other conditions. In various stages of illnesses, different symptoms will be present. Sometimes doctors don’t consider all the possible alternatives before jumping to a conclusion as to what the ailment is.

This may impede the correct diagnosis, and the longer a diagnosis is delayed, the more likely the ailment will progress to an unmanageable level. By the time the disorder is uncovered, the patient has suffered serious complications or even death. Time is of the essence in diagnosing an illness–precious time that you or your loved one can never get back. We represent individuals and family members who have been subjected to medical misdiagnosis that caused harm or death to a loved one.

Negligent Cancer Misdiagnosis may Include:

  • Failure to review family medical history when considering symptoms
  • Failure to routinely check at-risk patients
  • Failure to order the appropriate tests
  • Failure to review the test data
  • Failure to refer to a specialist when necessary
  • Incorrect reading of specimen testing
  • Misidentifying a tumor as non-cancerous
  • Incorrect handling or labeling of biopsy specimen
  • Incorrectly classifying a cancerous tumor

It is Imperative to Uncover All of the Facts

Our law firm reviews medical records, consults with medical experts, and works to prove that the ailment should have been detected and treated sooner, possibly saving a life. We dig deep into our cases to uncover the facts and find evidence of negligence. Whether your misdiagnosis was cancer or another serious illness, we will fight for your rights. The doctors at fault need to be held accountable for their malpractice.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation at 888-710-0040.

We are passionate about your case and will aggressively fight for you to be fairly compensated. We will guide you through the legal process, notify you of all of your rights, and entitlements, and help you get the justice you deserve.

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